Our Sustenance
Our Sustenance started in 2011 after the Six Nations Community Planning Team identified the need for access the local healthy food in their community. At the time, the only grocery stores available to residents were located off reserve, approximately a 20 minute commute from the densest area of the community. The program has blossomed from modest roots starting with a weekly seasonal farmers market that has now expanded to include a greenhouse operation, a free community garden, a monthly good food box, a herbal apothecary, composting, a Food Forest, a market garden, farm fresh eggs, a herbal meditation centre, and an apiary. In addition, the program offers workshops on food security and self empowerment. Six Nations health services uses the program to deliver workshops on healthy eating, food preservation and self-sufficiency. Grand River Ontario Works uses the program to offer courses to their clients on how to reduce food cost by growing their own gardens, reducing waste while cooking, and learning how to preserve what people grow.